Friday, April 29, 2011

Thank you Miss Mustard Seed!

Thank you Miss Mustard Seed for featuring my find on your blog! it's such an honor! You can find the post here. i'm so happy so many of you love it just as much as me.
i will definitely be linking up with furniture friday again.

Me and the man are going here tomorrow. i can't wait to see how everybody decorates and displays their booths. i know i'm in for a real treat.

Happy Friday everybody! i hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

until next time,


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Chippy Antique Dresser

Hello Friends!
I hope everyone is having an awesome week!

i'm really excited about this new piece i got off of craigslist. i wrote the person 3 emails, not just 1. Yes 3. it was pouring out my finger tips. i couldn't type fast enough. After each email i had to express more about how much i wanted the dresser. After the third email i started to doubt myself and wonder if the person was going to think i was a creep. After all, i did say i knew where the person lived. i had driven by the house many times before. Have you ever wanted to knock on someones door to ask if they would sale something you saw on their property? i've never done it (yet) but always wanted to when i drove by this old victorian house. They had the dresser on the porch with plants inside the drawers. i could see the chippy paint from my car.
She said she had several inquires within the first hour she put it on craigslist. Then she said , "none of them had as much passion as you". : )

i've never sealed chippy paint before so i googled - seal chippy paint- and guess who popped up? None other than the talented Miss Mustard Seed. i've decided to link up with her furniture party. i'm excited for my first link up!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!
Happy Easter!

until next time,


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2nd Birthday Party

(taken with my iphone)

Hello Friends!

I sure hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! We sure had a fun one here!

We celebrated my daughters 2nd birthday here in our backyard. With the help of my Mother and a girlfriend i was able to give my daughter a party i had envisioned for her. We woke up to a beautiful crystal blue sky and our home was filled with the people we love and care about.

(ruffled table cloth made by my Mother. i love the way it turned out!)

(some of my favorite antiques i own, french bucket, french fruit picking ladder and settee)

(cake made by my Mom, banner made by my girlfriend)

Today is my daughters actual birthday. Happy Birthday Honey! Mommy loves you so much! xooo

Monday, April 4, 2011

Ruffle Table Skirt and First Day of Camp

my inspiration

Hello Friends!

i have another quick post this week. My youngest daughter is having her birthday party this weekend and i've asked my mom to help me sew her a pretty ruffle table cloth for her birthday. i was lucky to find this tutorial here. The tutorial was a big help but my Mother ended up taking matters into her own hands. She's never let me down before so i just listened, watched and helped.

Last week my daughter went off to her first camp. it was an emotional day for me. i was excited for this day to come but right know it's reminding me of how old she is getting. i know, i know, she is only 3 most of you are saying but i can't help but feel this way. She is everything to me! it's going by too fast!

Her first packed lunch....... i had to make it special!

Check back next week to see the ruffle table cloth finished and pictures from my daughters 2nd birthday.

Hope everyone has a great week!

until next time,
